Happy Friday! I am so excited to be launching my online store! This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I am excited about the opportunity to interact with new people and help those who shop in my store feel good about being theirselves in adorable outfits that help everyone "become their own kind of beautiful." I also believe in angels and that there are angels around us all the time as we move through this journey we call life. Angels come in all forms and we never know if someone we meet is an angel sent to us from above to guard and protect us. Watch for those angels in your life- because they are there!! My favorite verse is Psalm 91:11. It has very special meaning for me so you will see it often on my site, social media and my correspondence. I hope you enjoy my shop Southern Angel Boutique. May God bless you all!
"For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go."
Psalm 91:11